3 Simple Steps to Better Boundaries
in Motherhood and Business

Setting boundaries can often feel like a scary or hard thing to do.

If you’re a hard-wired overachiever like myself, putting a boundary in place might even feel like you’re limiting your own capabilities — sure, put another thing on my plate, I can handle it — WHY do we do this?! We are not restricting our own potential by saying “no.”

Girl, here is the thing to remember: boundaries are tools meant to support you and protect your well-being, time and energy. And no, you have nothing to prove by tackling everything all the time … doing it all leads to burnout. Period.

Look at a boundary as another method of self-care; you’re holding yourself, and those around you, accountable for what you will, or will not, do.

3 simples steps to setting better boundaries in motherhood and business